anclote keysの例文


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  1. The island is home to the Anclote Keys Light.
  2. The island forms Anclote Key Preserve State Park and is accessible only by private boat.
  3. The watch was extended north of Anclote Key to the Ochlockonee River, southwest of Tallahassee.
  4. Hurricane warnings were issued from Mobile, Alabama east to Anclote Key on the west coast of Florida.
  5. Hurricane warnings were posted from Anclote Key, 28 kilometers ( 18 miles ) north of Clearwater, to Pensacola.


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  6. "anclote keys light"の例文
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  11. "anclote key"の例文
  12. "anclote key preserve state park"の例文
  13. "anclote keys light"の例文
  14. "anclote missile tracking annex"の例文

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